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TOP > The Bible Diet: Finding the Principles of Health in the Gospels of Jesus, Matching Science to Obedience【電子書籍】[ Robert S. Rister ]

The Bible Diet: Finding the Principles of Health in the Gospels of Jesus, Matching Science to Obedience【電子書籍】[ Robert S. Rister ]

<p data-version="1.1">"They that wait upon the Lord," the Bible teaches us, "shall renew their strength." This book presents the Biblical principles for Christians who recognize the need for weight loss. These aren't a list of permitted and prohibited foods from Leviticus. The Book of Acts teaches us that all foods are permitted. Jesus taught us that it's not what goes into our mouths that makes us unclean. What many Christian dieters forget is that their first priority needs to be to wait upon the Lord, to seek God's will, and then to apply the principles of healthy diet day by day, rather than slavishly following a diet plan. Written for readers who will seek not just the Biblical principles of weight loss but also the Biblical guidelines for a blessed Christian life, this book can help anyone making day to day decisions about what to eat, how much to eat, and when to eat, when discipleship doesn't permit a preoccupation with diet.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。


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